Glaucoma Treatment In Delhi

Glaucoma Treatment: Preserve Your Eyesight

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a situation where it damages the optic nerve of the eye. The optic nerve is responsible for conveying the images we perceive through the eye to the brain. Generally, damage to these nerve fibers causes blind spots and vision loss for people over the age of 60. Most people do not have early symptoms or pain.

Difference Between Glaucoma Vs Cataract

  • Glaucoma is a condition where pressure builds up in the eye and causes damage to the optic nerve, whereas a cataract is a change of lens. It results in cloudiness, as light is prevented from entering the eye.
  • Cataracts are painless and gradual; on the other hand, glaucoma is painful and slow.
  • Both of them can be treated surgically but unfortunately, the loss of vision by glaucoma cannot be altered.

If you face any problem with your vision do visit our doctor and follow an eye exam to save from the loss of vision.

Causes of Glaucoma

  • Blocked blood vessels inside your eye
  • Severe eye infection
  • Chemical Injury
  • Other inflammatory conditions

Who Are At Risk?

  • A person whose age is over 40
  • People with poor vision
  • The Individual who belongs to African American, Irish, Russian, Japanese, Hispanic, or Scandinavian descent
  • A person who has high pressure, heart disease, diabetes, or migraines
  • People who take certain drugs for bladder control or seizures
  • People who have an ancestral history of glaucoma

Symptoms of Glaucoma

The symptoms with open-angle glaucoma develop at a late stage and experts call it a sneak thief of vision. Whereas, angle-closure glaucoma usually comes at a later stage and damages the part quickly. If you come across any such situations make sure to take medical care:

  • Seeing halos around any kinds of light
  • Vision turning hazy
  • Redness of the eye
  • Stomach upset or vomiting
  • Pain in the eye after coming out of darkness
  • Gradually decreasing of side vision
  • Reduced in vision especially during the night and dim light.

Distinct Types of Glaucoma

  • Open-Angle Glaucoma

It is the most familiar form of this disease and it happens so slowly that you are not aware of the problem. The drainage angle which is formed by the cornea and iris remains open; however, the trabecular network gets partially blocked. It gradually creates pressure and damages the optical nerve. It usually responds to medication, especially if detected early. This form of glaucoma is more common in Caucasians origin.

  • Angle-Closure Glaucoma

It is also called closed-angle glaucoma. This type of glaucoma occurs all of a sudden and should be considered a medical emergency. In these circumstances, the iris protrudes forward in order to narrow down or plug the drainage angle created by the cornea and iris. The fluid is unable to circulate and thus increases the pressures. Well!! Some people even have narrow drainage angles and thus increasing the risk of angle-closure glaucoma. This form of glaucoma can be found in Asian countries.

  • Normal-Tension Glaucoma

This occurs when a patient has a blind spot in their vision or even the optic nerve gets damaged although the eye pressure is within the range. This may be due to the optic nerve or less blood supply to the optic nerve. The limited blood flow is due to excess fatty deposits in the arteries. The 30 percent of the eye pressure slows down through proper medication. If no risk factors are recognized, then the treatment options for normal-tension glaucoma are the same as for open-angle glaucoma.

  • Congenital Glaucoma

Children are born with defects or can develop them a few years early in life. The optic nerve may be damaged by drainage blockages. They have symptoms, such as cloudy eyes, sensitivity to light, and excessive tearing. Well!! If the surgery is suggested and if done properly, then these children must have an excellent chance of having good vision. The medicines may have unknown effects in infants and be difficult to administer.

  • Secondary Glaucoma

Cataracts or diabetes causes added pressure in a person’s body.

  • Pigmentary Glaucoma

In this situation, the pigment granules from the iris build-ups in the drainage channels, it slows down or blocks fluid exiting from your eye. It causes intermittent pressure elevations.

Diagnosis For Glaucoma

There are some well-established tests used by our ophthalmologists to diagnose glaucoma. These methods provide information on both structural and functional defects of your eye.

  • Applanation Tonometer

This instrument is used to measure fluid pressure in the eye. It is used to measure Intraocular pressure (IOP) and an increase or decrease in it will cause a major risk factor for Glaucoma. The instrument can accurately measure the IOP of your eye with a small deviation of 0.5 mm Hg. It does not indicate the extent of damage that is done to the optic nerve.


It is a structured estimation of light sensitivity within the visual field by the detection of targets. Well!! The responses are statistically compared with the database of normal responses. Today, a new software has come to the market and it helps with automated visual-field-progression analysis. Perimetry is a process where the patient wears a patch over the eye and looks straight ahead at a bowl-shaped white area. At this point, the computer presents lights in fixed locations around the bowl. The patient indicates each time one sees the light, which is why perimetry can provide a map of the visual fields. That is why it is also called a visual field test.

  • Ophthalmoscopy

It is the test done to check the fundus of the eye and it includes the retina, optic disc, and blood vessels. Generally, it is done in a darkened room using an ophthalmoscope.

  • Gonioscopy

It is a painless examination to check a part of your eye called the drainage angle. This area is at the front part of your eye, between the iris and cornea.

New Glaucoma Diagnosis

  • Retinal Nerve Fiber Analysis/Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

The structural changes in glaucoma can be detected through various imaging kits and OCT being popular amongst them. Well!! It helps in analyzing the macular and optic nerve neuroretinal rim thickness. This diagnosis is very useful in gauging glaucoma with other eye conditions, like myopia or physiologic cupping. The device can produce a contour map of the optic nerve, optic cup, and measure the retinal nerve fiber thickness. It can also detect loss of the optic nerve fibers and monitoring of disease progression.

  • Pachymetry

It is a medical device to measure the thickness of your cornea. Pachymetry is a simple, quick, painless test and it can derive results in a minute. The new generation of ultrasonic pachymeters work as Corneal Waveform (CWF) and it is used to capture ultra-high definition echogram of the cornea. The machine gives you an accurate reading of eye pressure, causing our doctors to give you a proper treatment plan.

  • Laser Peripheral Iridotomy

It is a medical technique where a laser device is used for creating a hole in the iris and allowing aqueous humor to travel directly from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber. This helps to remove the pupillary block. With this procedure, a wide range of Glaucoma can be cured. It creates an alternative path for the aqueous flow and overcomes a suspected relative pupillary block.

This method is mainly used by patients in the primary as well secondary angle-closure spectrum and for managing other types of glaucoma. Before the procedure is carried out, the pupil is made to constrict with an eye drop. Then a lens is put into the eye after giving topical anesthetic drops for controlling the laser beam. The whole process takes around a few minutes. Once the lens is removed from the eye; after that normal vision will be restored. Once the process is completed, an anti-inflammatory eye drops might be recommended for use for the following few days. Also, a post-operative visit will be scheduled with the experts.

Glaucoma Surgery Cost in Delhi

You can expect world-class treatment for Glaucoma and that too your budget. If you are facing any kind of eye problem do consult with our specialists. The exact cost can be determined by getting an appointment with our experts in Delhi. They will determine the exact condition of the eyes and can give you an exact cost estimate.

Best Surgeon for Glaucoma Treatment

Dr. Surya Kant Jha is the best Glaucoma doctor In Delhi


Glaucoma is an eye condition in which the optic nerves get damaged, which in turn causes loss of vision. The damage occurs when the eye’s internal fluid pressure shoots up.

Well, there are no such symptoms for Glaucoma in most people. Hence, this eye condition is very dangerous.

If Glaucoma is detected at an early stage and treated properly vision loss can be stopped. If it is left untreated, it can cause blindness.

A comprehensive eye-evaluation can detect glaucoma. In fact, a procedure like tonometry measures the internal pressure of the eye; apart from the check-up of the optic nerve. Well, various tests help in Glaucoma detection.

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