Pediatric Ophthalmologist In Delhi

Child Eye Care

When talking about the eye health of the children, most people forget that they are not miniature versions of the adults. Their eyes, optical requirements, and disorders are completely different than those of the adults. Children do not have a fully developed eye-brain coordination as they are still growing. That is why the optical difficulties and the disorders of the children demand special attention from the doctors. To fulfill this requirement of the children, pediatric ophthalmology has been developed as a separate discipline.

While all ophthalmologists have the training to treat children’s eye problems, but being the specialist in the field, the pediatric ophthalmologist has additional training, expertise, and experience in dealing with pediatric patients. A pediatric ophthalmologist not only knows the probable conditions affecting the vision of your children but also has an understanding of visual development. A pediatric ophthalmologist can keep a tab on the visual development of your child and make sure that everything is alright both structurally and functionally.

Why Are The Eyes of Children Different?

Just as you consult the pediatricians for your child’s general health, you need to turn to the pediatric ophthalmologist to take care of your child’s ocular health. As the eyes of the children are different than that of the adults, their care methods are drastically different as well. Are you wondering how the eyes of your child are different than that of the adults? Read on for the following reasons.

  • The brain eye connection does not develop fully in the children. So, if any vision-related issues in early childhood stay undetected, it can lead to amblyopia or lazy eye. This problem limits the visual potential of your child which can not be treated even with the help of corrective glasses. Amblyopia therapy is important for your child’s eyesight in the long run.
  • The congenital disorders or anomalies show up during the developmental years. These problems can range from misalignment of the eyes, also known as squint, to refractive errors, which can be solved with the help of corrective glasses. The children can also be suffering from problems related to lid droop or ptosis, congenital nasolacrimal duct block to even glaucoma and cataract.
  • Premature infants, children with low birth weight or the kids who have experienced a prolonged and often tumultuous stay in the newborn nursery often face risks of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). If left untreated, RoP can pose a threat to the vision of the children. The pediatric ophthalmologist can screen the children for these problems and treat them properly.
  • In the case of malnutrition, a child can suffer from vitamin A deficiency which can lead to different optical issues, like corneal ulcers, dry eyes, and even blindness. Despite being healthy, the fussy eaters can sometimes be suffering from some micronutrients deficiencies, leading to vision-related issues. Pediatric ophthalmologists can detect these problems and prevent severe eye damage.
  • Due to their highly active lifestyle, children often suffer from eye allergies or trauma.
  • Due to a changed lifestyle, children are more exposed to smartphones, televisions, and video games. The enhanced screen time often leads to a particular type of vision problems among children.
  • There are some types of malignancy and optical tumors, like retinoblastoma, that only occurs during childhood.

What Are The Common Eye Problem Symptoms in Children?

Problems in copying school work and reading issues could be an indication of the fact that your child is suffering from vision-related problems.

Any misalignment of the eyes or squint.

Any sign of recurring headaches, recurrent eye infections, red-eye and watering of the eyes.

Family history related to eye disorders including the refractive errors (glasses) can get passed from one generation to the next. However, these problems need to be rectified early. You need to talk to the doctors to establish a schedule for eye examinations for your children.

Best Hospital for Child Eye Care in Delhi

Everyone wants to give their children the best medical care. We are one of the best eye clinics in Delhi region. Our experienced pediatric ophthalmologists understand the important role good eyesight plays on the development of a child.

Our experts understand that professionalism is important but in this case, being a friend to the child is even more necessary. They make sure not to create a scary disposition in front of the children. Instead of fearing our doctors, the children wait for their scheduled visit to the eye doctor.

We promise to deliver quality medication and treatment with our state of the art tools and technologies that too at an affordable rate.

Services You Get

With the state of the art technology by our side, you take care of the vision of your child. Our compassion and empathy are what make us help the children to the best of our abilities. Along with the basic eye care, here are the special eye tests and services that we extend to your children.

  • Assessment of the vision and refraction under the dilation.
  • Assessment of binocular vision and evaluation of the optical issues associated with a squint.
  • Eye exercises are conducted with the help of the synoptophore to stimulate the eye muscles and binocular vision.
  • Management of all infections and allergies related to eye issues.
  • Trauma care services.
  • If required, the facility to examine under anesthesia or sedation. Along with that, we offer pre-anesthetic comprehensive check-ups and intensive care post-operation.
  • Glasses and other necessary low vision aids.
  • Medical and surgical management of the congenital and other childhood optical disorders, like congenital cataract, squint, glaucoma, congenital ptosis etc.

The surgeries that our pediatric ophthalmologists perform regularly are;

  • Ptosis surgeries with the help of sling surgical procedure or other lid reconstruction methods.
  • Simple and complex surgeries for squint. Our doctors perform surgeries on both the oblique and recti muscle to solve the problem.
  • Probing and syringing, dacryocystorhinostomy, Glaucoma valve implantations are some of the more intricate procedures that ur doctors perform here.
  • Intraocular laser treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity.
  • phacoemulsification along with intraocular lens implantation.

Best Pediatric Ophthalmologist of Delhi

Dr. Surya Kant Jha is one of the most pediatric eye specialist in Delhi. Along with conducting the routine surgeries, he monitors the children throughout the rehabilitation period after the procedure. He is always there for the children suffering from optical health issues, like a squint.


There can be several reasons why a child needs glasses. As the vision system of the children is different than the adults, the reasons for the glass requirements can vary as well. As the child’s vision system is growing, glasses often play an important role in ensuring the normal development of vision.

The pediatric ophthalmologist conducts a complete eye examination to check whether your child requires glasses or not. Often, the doctors use a special instrument, known as a retinoscope, to take the measurement of the eyes of the children and to reach the perfect prescription. Once the ophthalmologist completes the check-up, he or she then explains to the parents of the child to let them know whether the child would require glasses or not.

Different types of eye injuries can take place. Chemical injury is perhaps the most common one. You should immediately wash the eyes of your child with water. The splashes of water help to remove the specks of chemicals from the eyes. Once that’s done, you should take your child to the nearest pediatric ophthalmologist for further check-up.

If the eyes get penetrated with any sharp objects, like a fish hook, you should not try to pull that object out. Instead, try to take your child to the nearest hospital as early as possible. If the injury is caused by blunt objects, then also you should take the child to the pediatric ophthalmologist for a check-up as it is hard to detect any retina injury right at that time.

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